ETSI is pleased to endorse 6GSymposium Spring 2024, taking place on 9-11 April 2024.

This is a vital time in the development of telecoms. There are drastically different visions for what 6G needs to do and to be, and interests pulling stakeholders in many different directions. 

How do we avoid the mistakes of the past? Only by a deliberate evolution of mindsets, business relations, strategies and industry processes alongside technology and policy evolution. Perhaps then we can build commercially successful future services which deliver the societal impact governments need.

At 6GSymposium, join ETSI alongside experts from around the world debating the most important issues and controversies facing telecoms’ development. Have your say, learn and network with key stakeholders from across telecoms and beyond.

Hear David Boswarthick, Director New Technologies, ETSI on Wednesday 10 April, 09:00-10:30, in the session "How Can Standards Processes Deliver the Best Outcomes for 6G?":

  • As 3GPP makes moves towards the standardisation process for 6G, it is seeming increasingly likely that – whatever 6G turns out to be – it won’t be purely a mobile access technology. Moreover, the stakeholders, use cases and potential users are likely to be different from previous generations. What can we do differently in standards to ensure that the outcome ends up fit for the demands of the 2030s?

 Find out more and Register at


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